Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Swimming Holes on Lookout Mountain

Cooper jumped in for his first swim of 2014 at Nana and Papaw's house in Mentone, AL on Saturday.  This is their backyard.  He loves being here and swimming all day in the Little River.

Evan and I went fishing Sunday morning before it was hot enough to swim.  This tiny river is full of Large-mouth Bass and Brim.  all you need is a rod and rooster tail and you can catch all the fish you want.  There's nothing like the excitement of catching a fish all by yourself when you're eight years old.  He was so proud of his little bass.  I caught a few too.  Soon after this we had to leave and head off to our next adventure.


The next stop was at Desoto Falls, also in Mentone, AL just a few miles from Nana and Papaw's house.  Cooper asked if the water below the 90 foot waterfall was deep enough to jump in.  I assured him it was plenty deep enough but hitting the water would really hurt... so he didn't jump.

Instead they went swimming in the pools above the falls.  They also went swimming above the A. A. Miller dam that you see in the background.  They love the water! 

Momma got some Hemingway in while the bits swam at the dam.


The bits and I got a cat nap in on the way to Little River Falls.

We look lost don't we.  The trail down to the Little River Falls isn't marked  very well.  Fortunately a group of people that went the wrong way showed up and told us which way not to go and we had not trouble finding the way after that.

We made our last stop on Lookout Mountain at The Little River Falls at the start to the Little River Canyon.  We had been to the Falls before and looked at them from the boardwalk above the waterfall but we wanted to swim in the pool below the fall.  This was an awesome place to go.  There is a rock that you can climb up and jump off into the 10 to 12 foot water and you can swim up to the falls and climb the rocks and walk behind it.  The walk down to the pool does require some climbing (alot of climbing) and a fairly long walk across over a dry riverbeds rocks so you should wear appropriate shoes.  Our middle son Evan said that it was like practicing to be a  mountain climber.  We had no idea what we were in for.  Aimee wore sandals that I would call flip flops and she would NOT recommend her shoe choice.  We decided that we will research our future destinations a little more before we embark on them.

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